What type of job seeker are you?
Posted on 10 October 2020 by Katherine Amin

What type of job seeker are you?
What kind of individual behaviour do you exhibit when it comes to career progression?
As specialist Recruitment Consultants to the Asset Finance and Leasing industry, experience tells us that Kantor’s Four Player model, as applied to team dynamics, can also be extended to identify specific traits in job seekers to help determine the best approach in managing their careers.
Ask yourself, are you a Mover, Opposer, Follower or Bystander? Are you someone that makes things happen? Do you think of all the reasons why things can’t happen? Do you wait to see the direction in which the social wind is blowing before making things happen? Or, do you casually spectate and watch others going about their business, maintaining your status quo?
These characteristics can broadly be attributed to four job seeker profiles that are prevalent in today’s asset finance job marketplace. Recognising and understanding which type of job seeker you are will help you make informed career choices. Furthermore, if you’re a manager of a team, recognising these types of personality traits will help you map out targeted and appropriate development plans.
Movers are more likely to make things happen. If this is you, you’re probably ambitious, determined and driven. You have a tendency to seek out new opportunities and are highly success-oriented and self-motivated. You’re probably a calculated risk-taker and will consider the merits of looking beyond the issues that would normally deter others from finding and securing a new job.
Movers can be categorised into Hunters or Seekers. Hunters will indiscriminately take any job to get out of the one that they are currently performing. They may dislike their current job, or perhaps are being made redundant. They are liberal when it comes to sending their CV out to multiple employers, for multiple roles, desperate for a move. If you identify with this trait, we recommend you narrow your scope and make your CV as role-specific as possible.
Seekers generally have a strong CV and are ambitious and keen to move their career onto the next level without being desperate to change jobs. Does this sound like you? If so, you need to forge a strong relationship with a consultative recruiter who can play to your strengths and help map out the best roles and employers for your consideration.
Opposers are likely to take a more conservative approach to their career. A greater part of their focus will be on all the reasons why they shouldn’t take the next step forward; favouring to wait and see how the employment landscape is shaping up before reviewing their options. If this is you, you are likely to be considered in your approach; plumping for your existing job security, rather than risk moving out of your comfort zone. You tend to move jobs only when all the traffic lights on your career path signal green. The support of a recruitment consultant is essential here. They can provide an objective overview of your current situation by considering the various options available to you. Together you can highlight the pros and cons of each opportunity to give you the confidence to make that informed decision.
Followers think they would like to change jobs because they have observed others around them progress. However, they may not have the inclination nor the motivation to do so. They tend to react too late to opportunities and are usually only galvanised into action when witnessing others succeed. If this is you, we highly recommend a full review of your goals and ambitions as well as identifying your key drivers. Again, a reputable consultancy should be able to assist you with this process.
Bystanders are even more neutral than Followers and prefer to observe what’s going on rather than commit themselves to action. They are happy where they are. They have no intention of leaving. They don’t look at job adverts; there’s no point as they don’t foresee change. They’re probably amongst the highest quality candidates in the sector because things are going so well at their current organisation and they may well have ambitions of progressing internally. It is essential for line management to identify these individuals and ensure a structured development plan is in place. It’s only when Bystanders become disillusioned with their existing path that they raise their heads above the parapet to consider their alternatives. It’s important to let your recruitment partner know when you are ready for a move in such instances.
Whichever type of job seeker you are, the state of the economy always has an impact on the job market. You need to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves. In difficult markets, a job move can sometimes be considered as risky, and therefore we find there are fewer viable candidates. Candidates think that sitting tight and waiting for an economic upturn is the ‘safe’ thing to do but hindsight dictates that this is not always the case. They risk missing out on potentially great career opportunities because they are concerning themselves with job security but quite often, that safe haven of an existing employer turns out to be anything but safe.
Whatever situation you find yourself in, making the right career move is crucial in helping you achieve your goals and aspirations. It is also one of the most challenging decisions you may face; presenting you with a maze of options, questions and uncertainty.
A balanced approach, blending the best of the above traits, is ideal. Seek independent advice from sources you trust within the leasing industry; preferably someone who can take a pragmatic view and help you analyse, interpret and digest the wealth of information you need to consider. How you decide to act upon this advice very much depends on your make-up; whether you’re a Mover, Opposer, Follower or Bystander.
So which one are you?