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  • Client Perspective: Identifying top talent in the virtual working environment

    14 September 2021

    ​Client / Employer Perspective: "With the prevalence of remote working, how do companies recognise and develop high achievers into managers of the future?” Client Contribution by Chris Stalley – Sales Director, Renaissance Asset Finance “High achievers will always make themselves known and rise to the top, it is in their DNA and their actions are habitual. However, I do...

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    Spotting Talent In Virtual Environment
  • Candidate Perspective: How the pandemic has affected my job search?"

    02 September 2021

    Candidate Perspective: "How has the pandemic affected my asset finance and leasing job search?"​Candidate Contribution by 'Martin'Whilst the pandemic didn't affect the actual process of searching for a new role, what has been different is the actual interview process itself. Many companies are currently in the process of initiating some kind of blended or hybrid working pa...

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    Job Seeking During Pandemic
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