The Unbeatable Eva Foundation
Posted on 04 March 2022 by Neel Amin

The New Leaf Search 2022 charity of the year is The Unbeatable Eva Foundation which supports children and families affected by DIPG (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma).

Registered Charity: 1193368.
DIPG is a terminal diagnosis.
Each year, around 30 to 40 children in the UK are diagnosed with DIPG, and as of today, there are no medical options other than standard radiotherapy – the same treatment which was offered to children 60+ years ago.
The average age of a child diagnosed with DIPG is 7 years, and it mostly affects children aged 2 to 12 years.
The cause of DIPG is unknown, though recent research attributes it to issues with cell reproduction during development of the brain cells.
Unlike other cancers, environment, or inherited genetic variations do not appear to be linked.
The average survival period, post-diagnosis, is less than 10 months.
Less than 10% of children survive beyond 1 year, and less than 1% of children survive beyond 5 years.
There are currently around 70 clinical trials open which aim to treat DIPG. Not one of these is available in the UK.
This means that accessing treatment for UK families costs hundreds of thousands of pounds – all of which must be funded privately.
The overall survival rate of children diagnosed with cancer is now around 85%.
For DIPG, it is 0%, and brain tumors are the biggest killer of children with cancer each year.
DIPG research is underfunded. The charity NEEDS our help. So let's help them together. In addition to making our annual contribution, WE pledge to donate a further £10 for EVERY Google review we receive.
We would love to hear your feedback and in doing so, help a truly worthwhile cause. To complete a Google review, simply enter New Leaf Search in your search bar and follow the instructions for posting a review... Thank you for supporting us. Thank you for supporting The Unbeatable Eva Foundation.
Donations provide children diagnosed with DIPG, along with their siblings, gift boxes, each tailored to be packed with presents that will hopefully create an incredible experience for the family. These presents may include phones, gaming devices, craft, teddies, dolls, or just about anything which is requested. ‘Experience days’ and short breaks are also included; it's all about helping to create memories for the family.
Donations will also fund medical research in to DIPG, and to fund clinical trials here in the UK. At present there are no options at all in the UK, which means a family must raise hundreds of thousands of pounds (in some cases millions) in order to just access a potential treatment option. It is the charity's objective to change this, and to change the outcome of a DIPG diagnosis from being terminal in every case.